Our mission is to create value for our clients and their stakeholders through high quality, innovative, engineering service delivery.
DeltaCascade is a small firm dedicated to continuous improvement and client satisfaction. Working in all process industries, we specialize in design and operations improvement for utilities and off-sites, including power systems, cooling water systems, and particularly, industrial water and wastewater treatment. We also specialize in renewable fuel production, particularly fuel ethanol. Principal Engineer, Wayne Gilraine P.Eng., has over twenty-five years combined practical experience in Plant Operation, and Engineering, Procurement and Construction. This includes oil field facilities, refineries, petrochemical plants, kraft mills, fuel ethanol plants, food processing plants and power plants. Mr. Gilraine's technical specialty is Energy Systems, Power Cycle Chemistry, Cooling Water Systems and Industrial Water Treatment. Associate specialty is fuel ethanol plant design and operation. Tech Tips pages offer information which may be of assistance. Working to build value, we look forward to receiving your suggestions for this site's improvement, and your requests for information. We are pleased to discuss your organization's technical needs.
Reach us at: Delta Cascade Design Associates Inc. Calgary, Alberta, Canada Telephone : 4 0 3 8 6 3 9 3 6 6 e-m a i l (without the spaces): I n f o @ D e l t a C a s c a d e . c o m
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