Tech Tips: Help us to grow this page into a more useful resource. Suggestions for improvement appreciated (e-mail, without the spaces, I n f o @ D e l t a C a s c a d e . c o m). We will also endeavour to answer your questions. Project Management Knowledge Base Summary: The informative Project Management Institute web site provides a free down-loadable copy of the "Project Management Body of Knowledge" or PMBOK book. PMBOK's contents is summarized to provide a high level review, in the one-page MS-Excel file, Delta-Cascade's PMBOK Summary. Codes & Standards for Process Engineers: Codes and standards published by organizations such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Petroleum Institute (API), and here in Canada the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), ISO in Europe, etc, are valuable guides and, often, adherence to these codes is required by law. A preliminary summary of codes of interest for the Chemical Process Engineer is in attached MS-Excel file Standards & Codes List. Suggestions for improvement and additions appreciated. Links to Technical Information: GE has articles of interest regarding combined cycle power plant design and water treatment. Spirax-Sarco publishes "Steam Hookups", a useful guide for design and construction of steam systems. Contact SpiraxSarco for info. The GPSA Engineering Data Book is a valuable resource in gas processing works. Useful and valued bulletin boards include engtips.com, and others (more to come). Software Tools:
PIPENET software is used for steady state and transient hydraulic analyses of piping networks. PIPENET software from Sunrise Systems in the UK is available through DeltaCascade in Canada. Shareware sources you may find helpful are listed below:
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